BIG NEWS: A Brand New Book!

Friends, I have some BIG NEWS to share with you! If you follow along on Instagram or in the One Artsy Mama & Friends Facebook group, you’ve already heard…and if not, you may have heard my squeals of excitement floating through the air anyway. But just in case you haven’t, here it is:


“Wait,” you might be thinking, “you already have a book.” And you’re partly right. Back in January, I released a self-published e-book, “A Hand Lettered New Year,” that walks you through 31 days of lettering inspiration. But this one is different.

First, it’s not an e-book. It’s going to be a real, physical paperback book you can touch and smell and write in with your markers! In fact, there are going to be designated spaces for you to do just that…it’s going to be an interactive workbook where you follow tutorials and practice right there on the pages!


Second, I’m not publishing it myself. A real, legit, awesome company called Page Street Publishing is making it happen! The book will be distributed by Macmillan and will be a series of basic lettering tutorials and inspirations. I’ll be sharing more details about the format and content in the months to come. In the meantime, a peek at the contract will show you that my full manuscript due date is September 30…which means if you see a few less posts or I’m a little more difficult to contact this summer than usual, you’ll know why!



Friends, I honestly keep having to remind myself that this is truly real! It’s been a dream of mine from the time I was a little girl to write a book. Until recently, though, I wasn’t sure what it would be. After seeing the response of this community to my lettering tutorials and my art on Instagram, it became clear that hand lettering was the way to go! Page Street Publishing thought so too, and they are hoping you are as excited about it as I am. Stay tuned for more updates throughout the summer as I work on this project and turn it into a reality! And most importantly, THANK YOU. Without all of you reading along and being a part of this community, I would never be doing what I’m doing. You make it possible, and I am truly grateful. 


xo, amy

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  1. Hip Hip Hooray…Soooo excited for you…Can’t wait to see it…
    I love that you get to have your dream come true….
    It will be amazing I’m sure…

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